
CLIMB Fund's sustainability purpose is to build a strong economic, social, and climate resilient present and future for South Carolina by creating green loan products and educating our team, clients, and community about climate action.


CLIMB Fund's sustainability vision is to be a leader of change, inspire others to act on climate change by educating, providing resources, and becoming experts at green lending and sustainable development to support a healthy and equitable future for all.


Sustainability Values

Collaboration & Innovation

  • Exploring creative, science driven solutions and methods to combat climate change in South Carolina.
  • Working together and partnering with local, state, and national organizations who are also dedicated to combating climate change.

Community & Inclusion

  • Including communities who have been historically excluded from decision-making. We are committed to including all communities in our partnerships, solutions, operational decision-making, and actions.

Impact & Integrity

  • Accountability in our actions by continuously tracking our workplace environmental impact.
  • We recognize that corporate green washing exists—we will be honest with our efforts.
  • Creating climate conscious lending practices.

Social Justice & Equity

  • Providing equitable resources to all communities we serve, recognizing environmental justice is social justice, and acknowledging South Carolina’s historical oppression towards BIPOC communities.

Education & Resilience

  • Educating staff, stakeholders, clients, and communities about climate action, issues, and solutions.
  • Providing general resources on climate change and climate action, industry specific sustainability resources and technical assistance.
  • Analyzing climate risk to understand what can impact the communities we serve and responding with knowledge and resources.

The CLIMB Fund aligns with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The following three goals are represented in our work, mission, and values.

Operational Excellence.

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Open and Respectful.

        Reduce inequality within and among countries.

Better Together.

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.


CLIMB Fund’s First Climate Impact Assessment 

In 2023, CLIMB Fund conducted its first Climate Impact Assessment to understand our current baseline CO2 emissions. From August 2023-July 2024, it is estimated that CLIMB Fund’s total CO2 emissions were 44 CO2 metric tons. We look forward to seeing the effects of our newly adopted sustainable practices and tracking methods in the next year to ultimately decrease our environmental impact. 


Our Environmental Impact
August 2023-July 2024


Waste Managment

From June 2023 – June 2024, CLIMB Fund has composted 5,680 pounds, or 2.84 tons, of compost. Therefore, we have diverted 426 pounds of CO2 equivalent from the atmosphere. With the support and guidance of SMART Recycling, we have been able to track our waste diverted from the landfill by our office’s composting efforts. We have changed our in-office habits, where single-waste items such as plates, utensils, and napkins are now 100% compostable. We compost our coffee grounds and all food waste from events and staff lunches are composted. All staff are welcome to bring compost from home.   


Learning more about our clients and South Carolina Small Business Owners 

CLIMB Fund’s Sustainability Coordinator and Intake Specialist, Emily Fender, began conducting Sustainability Assessments with our incoming clients to gather data on what South Carolina’s small businesses need to decrease their environmental impact. With this new practice in place, CLIMB Fund will now be able to further develop tailored resources to support the education, knowledge, and climate resiliency of South Carolina small businesses. 


Sustainability Assessment

If you have any questions about how to decrease your business’s environmental impact or want to learn more about funding sustainable projects for your business, please contact Emily Fender emily@climbfund.org .